Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Fixed vs. Growth Mindset

Watching the Sarah Jayne Blackmore's Ted talk and Dan's Siegel's presentation I began to have a better understanding between the difference of a fixed mindset, and a growth mindset. From a growth mindset by pushing yourself through hard work and dedication you're able to grow, and push yourself forward on wanting to learn more. Compared to a fixed mindset, you're the complete opposite. All the motivation on getting better, and pushing beyond is gone. You start to avoid the difficult situations, ignore the criticism, and give up easily. There just isn't any energy to go any further. From the Ted talk I felt that Sarah was more interactivate, and that kept everyone watching engaged. Compared to Dan he was just sitting down reading off information as if he were reading it off a script. It was rather boring, and not really interesting. They both discussed about fixed and growth mindset from two different perspectives.

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