Thursday, November 3, 2016

Freshman Research Conference

What I learned at the conference was more about cooperative learning, and how that worked for our class splitting it up into little groups to gather up information, and to then bringing it back together. I learned more also on what the difference between self esteem and self efficacy is. One differs from the other due to one being the confidence in one's own worth, and the other is one's belief in the sense of succeeding in one specific situation or task that's being accomplished. Lastly, from the last group I learned about others being in tough situations, but no matter what caring and protecting for others around them. It's neither from a greater extend or lesser extent. My reasoning for that is that they did an amazing job by presenting. But as I observed them they had notes cards, but were also reading off the presentation. Not all of them did that, but for myself I found it distracting. The examples that were great, since they were all real life examples. As the presenter from my group presented I supported that person by smiling, and nodding at them understanding what they were explaining. I did the same for all the other presenters. Bringing all these ideas from different people together brought a great perspective to the presentations. The happy group actually hit me, since I was able to connect with some of the things they were saying. The talk about when always letting the negative things get in the way, and having that prevent you from pushing yourself forward struck me.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Call to Action Reflection

As someone who has worked with kids in the past I had an amazing time! What I learned about the value of service through the community is that it's an amazing opportunity to help others who are struggling. Let them how some fun to forget about other things. Having fun with younger kids has an impact on that. It let's them know that we're here for them to have fun and interact. This leads to them having the same idea on interacting with younger kids like them in the future when their older.
Even though the bay area isn't my home or I didn't grow up here I could feel the good energy. Just the excitement on those kids brought joy to myself and others I know it. Not only did we bring excitement to these kids, but we all learned about the bay. We learned about what animals lurk around the waters, and how they collect them for their own benefits.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Fixed vs. Growth Mindset

Watching the Sarah Jayne Blackmore's Ted talk and Dan's Siegel's presentation I began to have a better understanding between the difference of a fixed mindset, and a growth mindset. From a growth mindset by pushing yourself through hard work and dedication you're able to grow, and push yourself forward on wanting to learn more. Compared to a fixed mindset, you're the complete opposite. All the motivation on getting better, and pushing beyond is gone. You start to avoid the difficult situations, ignore the criticism, and give up easily. There just isn't any energy to go any further. From the Ted talk I felt that Sarah was more interactivate, and that kept everyone watching engaged. Compared to Dan he was just sitting down reading off information as if he were reading it off a script. It was rather boring, and not really interesting. They both discussed about fixed and growth mindset from two different perspectives.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Marine Science Institute

Being able to attend the Marine Science Institute with the Ravenswood school is such an amazing opportunity. Hallmark 6 falls under this extraordinary experience. "We create community among those with whom we work and with those we serve."  Coming together with either younger children or older adults we are able to bring the community closer together. Interacting with others in the community is very exciting for me. I am a major animal lover, and being able to go to the Marine Science Institute with a school to not only have them learn, but also for myself to learn, and to take something out of this experience.